Our trial consultants assist on over 50 cases a year. In addition to our technological expertise we offer strategic case consulting. Through our practice in jury trials, mock trials, and focus groups we provide your team with valuable insight through all phases of your case.

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trial consulting

Our trial consultants can objectively look at the facts of the case and help define themes. We examine opening statements, lines of questioning, and closing arguments before and during the trial to help arm you with the most effective trial strategy. Emphasizing the strengths of a case is important but defending it’s weaknesses is crucial. Our approach to consulting is nimble, adaptive, and reactive in order to help you build the strongest case possible.

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jury analysis

Jury analysis begins with preliminary research and continues through the entire trial to ensure the best possible panel is seated and that their responses to your case are noted. Our consultants analyze the jury throughout the trial to assess which points of your case are making the biggest impact, and which areas need emphasis. You are the experts on matters concerning the law. Let us be your eyes on the jury.

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witness preparation

Most trials rely on the strength of witness testimony. We’ve seen first-hand how imperative it is to have well prepared and powerful fact and expert witnesses. Prior to testimony, we rehearse direct and cross examination with you and your witness, identifying and properly equipping them to address any concerns or problem areas that may arise. We ensure the witness not only feels comfortable and confident taking the stand but forms a positive relationship with the jury.