Approximately 65% of the population are visual learners, what are the odds that one of them is on your jury? Visual encoding is the result of using a visual aid during a presentation, leaving the audience with a vivid memory. The use of technology in the courtroom has become increasingly more common and for good reason. Through the use of graphics and demonstratives there is an opportunity to bring any idea to life and translate complex concepts into simple charts, diagrams, maps and more.

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Custom demonstratives

River City Trial Solutions offers fully custom demonstratives to fit your case’s needs. Our demonstratives have been used during pretrial matters, opening statements, witness testimony, and closing arguments in both civil and criminal litigation. In addition to static images we can create 2D, or 3D animations as well as interactives for an even more immersive demonstrative. These demonstratives combined with our courtroom technology result in maximum retention of the evidence in your case.

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Integrating demonstratives

Visual cues not only assist a jury but can assist you and your team during the presentation of the opening statement and closing argument. Our trial technicians double as graphic designers and can create slide shows that combine key exhibits, custom graphics, and highlighted points that will guide both you and the jury. Through the use of technology, your trial technician can virtually stand by you as you present your case.